A little background on why I named this blog what I did.

I should probably do a little explaining on my title of this blog. First my last name is White. Therefore I live in the "White House." Living in the "White House" makes me the 1st Lady. My physical address says I live in Westwood Ca. (not the one by Los Angeles) but a little mountain town in Northeastern Ca. However I really live in a section out of Westwood known as Pinetown. With all the joking going on between my friends, I inevitably became Pinetowns 1st Lady living in the "White House." With all that said, this is just going to be a more personal blog of my life here in Westwood/Pinetown. My family and friends being a big part of it.
Originally I really wanted to take a picture a day for one year and post it on this blog. Perhaps like a photo diary. My life though is quite quiet and perhaps is not photo worthy for a picture a day but I plan on trying. So why not hop in and take a ride with me through little mountain town U.S.A. You may just love it as much as I do!


Wood Shed Art

With the intent of walking to Young's market (our local and only in town store) I grabbed my camera and took off. My outdoor thermometer said it was a sweltering 54 degrees and I was off. It did not take me but just a block to realize that although the thermometer said it was that warm, you add some wind, walk between snow berms on the side of the road that are anywhere from 1 to 3 feet tall and that temperature drops real quick!!!
Yikes it was cold, (and I was not dressed for it)
So I decided to share Wood Shed Art!

An old gopher trap and a cy separated from its handle above
A old wood stove damper
 Crank handle
 Old hammer head and a chain
 An old pulley
 Crank Handle
 An old kerosene can
Old keys for fire hydrants and water mains
We do not know what this one is. Does anybody know what this is?
Wood stove leg
 An old clamp
Soooo much for just one picture a day huh? But it would not be right to not show most of them.
Seriously though we would like to know what that one tool? is above if anyone knows!


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View Larger Map This is where I live. To the right of Westwood barely visible is the little section I live in called Pinetown. We have probably 150 to 200 people for our population. Westwood on the other hand is HUGE by comparison with a population of around 2000!
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Added on 2-9-09

A great big Thank you to Cheryl for this friendship award!

A great big Thank you to Cheryl for this friendship award!
Lots of Hugz and PEACE!!!